Timeshare Resales

Anyone interested in buying or selling a timeshare week at Club La Santa,

please contact Kaylee Bonja, temporary  ITSO Resales Manager: itso@clublasanta.com 


The ITSO Resales Manager is the only authorised agent for timeshare resales at Club La Santa.

The Timeshare Resales list is updated weekly on Mondays.  See below.



The office is temporarily closed until we appoint a new ITSO Service Manager. Thank you for your understanding.

                                                                     ITSO Service Office


ITSO Service Manager

We have some sad news to share with you all. We have decided by mutual agreement that Eva will leave her job as ITSO Office Service Manager. Eva loves the job, and she has represented ITSO well  for the past 18 months. We are very sorry to lose her, and she is sorry to leave.  Eva finds the job very demanding and feels that now is the right time for her to move on.  Eva has really enjoyed getting to know so many timeshare owners and being able to help you whenever she can.  She has been a friendly face and someone who is easy to talk to. We wish her the very best of luck for whatever she decides to do next, and we hope to see her in and around Club La Santa in the future. 
Although her contract ended on 31st December Eva will complete the transactions she has been working on with you. Kaylee Bonja, Chair ITSO International Board, will manage new timeshare resales and transfers until we are able to recruit and train a new person to the role.  
The office will be closed until the new person is in post and the last TSO meeting  until we have appointed a new person will be held on Monday 13th January.
The recruitment process will commence shortly and we anticipate that a new person will be ready to undertake the role from 1st April 2025.


There will be a meeting on Monday 13th January 2025. There will be no further meetings until a new ITSO Service Office Manager is in post. We are sorry for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

Apartment Weeks for Sale
List renewed every Monday at or just after 7pm UK / 8pm CET
Please no Reservation payments until WE HAVE CONFIRMED that your RESERVATION REQUEST IS SUCCESSFUL. Thank you
Weeks for Sale 10022025.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [389.0 KB]

ITSO members receive priority over non-members up until 8pm on a Monday evening when a new apartment week is listed. A non-member is able to request to reserve an apartment week before 8pm but if a member reserves the same apartment and offers the asking price up to 8pm then the ITSO member will secure the reservation (subject to a mandatory 14 day cooling off period).  TIMES QUOTED ARE LOCAL LANZAROTE & UK. 

To ensure fairness to all ITSO members for weeks listed as NEW this has changed so that this advantage can only be used ONCE by each member in a 12 MONTH period. The maximum number of weeks that can be purchased under this privilege is 2 consecutive weeks.  There is no limit to the number of weeks you can purchase after the 'privilege hour'.  We are seeking to give all ITSO members a better chance to buy NEW listed weeks.


Please contact rentals@uk.itsolasanta.com

IF you have an apartment to sell that is a WANTED apartment on this list then please contact rentals@uk.itsolasanta.com


Timeshare Resales Apartment Requests / for Release: Open to Members of all ITSO Associations
We have decided to add this facility here to give it greater prominence. It was previously in Public Downloads. If you have something that you would like to sell but do not want to release until you have found a timeshare you would prefer, then please contact ITSO - rentals@uk.itsolasanta.com
10 Resale Requests.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [106.8 KB]
Timeshare Resales Fees and Payments
Fees and Payments 2022.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [104.5 KB]
Buyer Terms & Conditions
Terms and conditions - Buyer.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [263.8 KB]
Seller Terms & Conditions
Terms and conditions - Seller.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [266.0 KB]

Apartment Locations Plan

The plan has been updated.  Club La Santa reserves the right to re-grade apartments.  This may be done without notice or consultation.

On the most recent plan 3 apartments have been upgraded to 'with view' and 3 apartments have been downgraded to 'without view'

Apartment Locations Plan
Apartments are graded by Club La Santa NOT ITSO. Gradings are used for the pricing structure to tourist guests.
Adobe Acrobat document [1.9 MB]
Seller Registration Form
Sellers Registration Form Jan 2024.docx
Microsoft Word document [70.4 KB]
ITSO Resales Privacy Statement
ITSO Resales Privacy Statement.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [318.1 KB]

IMPORTANT - Contact with members is now exclusively by email.  Please be sure we have your correct details!


UPDATE Your Contact Details Here

2025 ITSO CARDS - CLS will issue a microchipped card to you on arrival which MUST BE RETURNED at the end of your stay. This card will also act as your apartment key so it will not bear your name or apartment number.  

To give feedback about the website please email admin@uk.itsolasanta.com  However, please do not use this e-mail account for specific or urgent queries, (continue to contact the relevant committee officers), as we are unable to respond from this account.  Thank you

Want to join us?

If you'd like to become an ITSO UK member, please download our application form


ITSO UK Membership Secretary

Sue Garland


Email: membership@uk.itsolasanta.com