Check back here regularly to find out what's going on at Club La Santa and ITSO
27th January 2025: Vacancy ITSO Service Office Manager
7th January 2025: ITSO Service Office Manager
22nd October 2024: AGM 2024
We are finalising numbers for Zoom attendance and in person attendance at the hotel. If you haven't yet returned your paperwork and would like to attend please check the Members Area under AGM. We have more people attending in person than via Zoom this year. Your committee thanks you for your support and looks forward to seeing as many of you as possible either online or meeting you in person.
22nd October 2024: New Benefits for ITSO Members
We are pleased to inform you of two new benefits available to ITSO Members ONLY.
- With effect from 1st November CLS is introducing a 10% discount for ITSO members for use of their storage lockers. The lockers are available in different sizes and can be rented for up to a year at a time. There are terms and conditions and exclusions of items for storage. Mainly perishables.
- Restaurant Salmarina, in La Santa village, has reinstated the 10% discount for ITSO Members. Remember to present your card before your order is taken.
30th August 2024: August Newsletter
Please let us know if you have not received a Newsletter from us by 31st August. We may hold out of date contact details for you.
Use the form on this page by clicking on the UPDATE Your Contact Details Here button - to the right of this notice. This will send your new details directly to the Membership Secretary. Thank you
31st May 2024: Apartment Rentals
We have received some queries about taxation on profit from renting timeshare apartments. Income should be declared to HMRC for UK residents, but there have been queries about whether there is any liability to pay tax in Spain. We are not qualfied to give tax advice but if you have any concerns there are companies who can assist. The Timeshare Consumer Organisation has useful advice. If you rent out your timeshare in Spain, Read on - Timeshare Consumer Association
7th March 2024: ITSO Service Office
Eva will be taking 2 weeks holiday in Denmark to celebrate her upcoming special birthday. The office will close from Friday 8th March and re-open on Monday 25th March. There will be NO NEW WEEKS FOR SALE lists uploaded on Monday 11th and Monday 18th March and NO TSO Meetings. Eva will be contactable for queries and progression of Sales in Progress. Please be patient if you need to make any other queries during this period.
26th February 2024: Changes to the ITSO Committee
We are very happy to announce that we have recruited a new committee member.
Felicity Counsel has taken on the role of Treasurer. Sue Garland, our previous treasurer, is now the Membership Secretary. Courtney will continue in his role as technical support; and manage communications via MailChimp. We still have a vacancy for Newsletter Editor.
We also have a new Honorary Auditor to take over from Felicity. Michelle Williams is an ITSO Member and an accountant. She kindly volunteered to undertake our annual audit. Thank you so much!
Welcome to the committee Felicity!!
19th February 2024: New Photo Gallery
Can't wait to see what's been happening at Club La Santa? Take a peek at some of the changes in our Gallery
3rd January 2024: Member Area New Password
Happy New Year!
We hope you have a wonderful year ahead of you.
A quick reminder that you will need the new password to enter the MEMBERS AREA of this website. The password can be found in the December Newsletter which was circulated to members on 22nd December. IF you are a member and you did not receive a copy then please check your junk mail. IF there is not a copy there then it is most likely that we do not hold your current contact details. Please use the UPDATE Your Contact Details Here button - found on the right hand side of this page. The details will be sent directly to our Membership Secretary. Thank you.
13th December 2023: AGM 2023 Report from ITSO
The AGM report from the Chairman and the ITSO Service Manager is now available in the Members Area. The unadopted minutes of the meeting are also available.
27th November 2023: ITSO Office & Timeshare Owner Meetings
The office will be closed from Thursday 30th November until Friday 15th December whilst Eva takes some leave in Denmark. The next TSO meeting and the next update to the Apartment Weeks for Sale will take place on Monday 18th December at the usual time.
20th October 2023: ITSO Office & Timeshare Owner Meetings
Please note the following changes. Timeshare owner meetings will revert back to Monday evenings from next week. They will be held at 6pm in the Members Lounge.
The office will close on a Wednesday until the end of the year. This is to give Eva some additional time for training in other aspects of her role. Thank you for your understanding.
19th October 2023: AGM Reminder
If you have not yet done so then please complete and return the AGM response forms. The deadline is next Wednesday, 25th October.
If you cannot attend it is important that you complete the Proxy Form and/or the Voting Response form. Eva will be in attendance and give a report from Club La Santa. We hope to see as many of you there as possible. Thank you.
1st October 2023: September Newsletter & AGM
We hope that you all received the September Newsletter. Feedback from MailChimp informs us that 16 newsletters were undelivered - a mixture of hard and soft bounces. If you are a member of ITSO(UK) and you have not received any mail from us then please check your Junk/Spam mailbox. If there is nothing from us there then please confirm your e-mail address by contacting Courtney Gunn Membership Secretary
The Notice of Annual General Meeting has been circulated by e-mail and the papers can be found in the Members' Area. The password to the Members' Area is contained in the e-mail. We hope to see as many of you as possible on 1st November.
An update to advise that we are not getting the support we need from IONOS to remedy this issue. We have over 850 members, many of whom have given us gmail accounts for contact. Please will you contact GMAIL SUPPORT to ask them to unblock the domain as you need to be able to receive e-mail from the organisation that you are a member of. The more of us that do this the greater our chances of a speedier resolution.
Thank you
30th September: We are pleased to announce that this issue has now been resolved. Thank you for your patience.
2nd August 2023: G MAIL E-MAIL ACCOUNTS
Please be aware that we (ITSO UK) are having problems with GMAIL email accounts. If you have a GMAIL/GOOGLEMAIL e-mail address we are able to receive mail from you but the ITSO IONOS e-mail accounts are not able to respond to you. Our mails are being blocked by GMAIL as they have introduced an authentication that does not allow our mail to pass. We have been in touch with IONOS (several times). They are aware of the problem and are trying to resolve the issue. This may take several more weeks. The problem is also being experienced by other e-mail providers when sending to GMAIL accounts, so we are not alone. Until the issue is resolved please avoid writing to us with a GMAIL account and use another account. Thank you for your co-operation and patience.
19th June 2023: Appointment of ITSO Service Office Manager
Thanks to all who applied for the post. The interview panel was very impressed with the calibre of the candidates and would like to thank them for the time and effort put into their applications, and the enthusiasm they showed for the job role.
Our final selection was Eva Hansen. She is a Dane with excellent communication and language skills, and we feel certain she will fit into the role with ease. Her background is in hospitality and travel, and sales and administration. Eva is also a timeshare owner and has a long association with Club La Santa dating back to the early 1990s. She is very excited about the new role and will commence her duties on Monday 3rd July. She looks forward to meeting as many of you as possible. Please make her feel welcome and join her at the weekly TSO meeting.
30th May 2023: Closing Date for Applications: Vacancy ITSO Service Office Manager/Timeshare Resales, Club La Santa
Thank you to everyone who has applied for the position. We will close the applications on Thursday 1st June and shortlist candidates on Friday 2nd June. Shortlisted candidates will be
contacted over the weekend and invited to interview. It is most likely that all interviews will be conducted via a video link such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams.
In the meantime, thank you to everyone for their understanding as the position is covered on scaled back hours until the position is filled.
For further information please contact Kaylee Bonja at
15th May 2023: Vacancy ITSO Service Office Manager/Timeshare Resales, Club La Santa
There is an immediate vacancy for the above role. The ITSO Service Office Manager will staff the office for 20 hours per week and host weekly timeshare meetings. Full details of
expectations of the role will be provided.
Emoluments: There is a retainer plus a range of commissions relating to the resale activity.
A one bedroom apartment within Club La Santa is available to the successful candidate.
Staff related benefits on site are available.
For further information please contact Kaylee Bonja at
8th May 2023: Statement from Kim Tell & Karen Lamb
Thank you for all the warm wishes. These have been passed to Kim and Karen.
3rd May 2023: Statement from Kim Tell & Karen Lamb
It was with a heavy heart that we informed the ITSO Board today of our decision to not return to our position as ITSO Service Manager.
Believe us, this has been our dream job but we feel we would no longer be able to give it the dedication that we were able to offer in the past.
Whilst the mind is willing the reality of the illness does not allow us to give the 100% needed.
The ongoing cancer treatment comes with many side-effects, and often without any warning. Karen has also had a very traumatic year health wise, and we feel it is in our best interests to spend this
time to concentrate on our health.
We would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to the ITSO Board and Club La Santa, and especially to Karsten, who has assisted us as friend and doctor; and most especially to Kaylee
who has done a terrific job of keeping the office running in our absence and travelling back and forth to the UK on a fortnightly basis. This has been above and beyond what anyone could expect.
Thank you to all the ITSO Members for their patience and for all of their well wishes.
Kim Tell & Karen Lamb
Please consider adding your unused weeks at Club La Santa to our rentals list. As CLS becomes more popular with tourist guests, and exchanges for timeshare owners become more difficult to accommodate, this is the ideal way for members to help each other. We suggest a small admin charge (up to £50 per week above the service fee) to compensate you for your liaison time between Kathryn at Sports Tours and the rentee. The rentee can see exactly which apartment they will stay in. Your name and contact details will not be shared on this website (or elsewhere). Do not pay the service fee until you have received the payment from the renter. Remember to observe the three month deadline for payment of service fee and give as much notice as you can to us that you will not use your week(s) in any year - preferably at least 6 months. It's a great way of helping fellow members. Sometimes we rent to others and at other times we are the renter. We are happy to provide guidance to those who are new to the rental process. Please contact for more information. Thank you.
24th March 2023: GDPR & WEBSITE SECURITY
We have decided to remove the risk of a data leak should our website suffer a security breach. Therefore, Members' details will no longer be shown in the password protected area of the website - specifically on the Apartments Available for Rent and Apartments Wanted for Rent lists. The lists will remain but in order to contact a member you are required to e-mail Your membership will be verified and then contact details will be shared. Please remember to add your unused timeshare weeks to the list, preferably at least 6 months before. The form to do this can be found in the Members' Area. Thank you.
24th March 2023: AGM Details 2023
The AGM 2023 will be held on Wednesday 1st November at 6pm. Attendance will be exclusively via Zoom. We are trialling a new day and time to hopefully fit in with Members' availability. We are happy to receive feedback, positive and negative, at
Please put the date in your diary now. AGM Papers will be circulated at least 30 days prior to 1st November
23rd February 2023: AGM Date 2023
The date of the AGM is Wednesday 1st November. Please put this date in you diary. More details coming soon!
6th February 2023: Weeks Available to Rent
This facility is for ITSO(UK) members and offers a safe place to find apartments offered for rent by genuine timeshare owners.
A Polite Reminder:
This resource is facilitated by ITSO(UK) but we ask that members keep the list up to date by informing us when a week becomes unavailable. You can do this by completing the form on the Register your Weeks for Rental Page within the Members' Area. This saves disappointment and frustration for members looking for weeks to rent. Thank you for your co-operation.
5th January 2023: AGM by committee
The ITSO(UK) committee held the AGM for 2022 on 4th January 2023. Minutes, accounts, re-appointment of committee members, re-appointment of Honorary Auditor were all approved and accepted. the minutes, which will include the report from the Chair, will be added to the website soon.
16th November: AGM 2022 Cancelled
We regret to inform you that due to the very low numbers of attendees at the AGM we have taken the decision to cancel the AGM. Only 5 members had indicated their attendance at the hotel, and 3 via Zoom. The closing date for responses was 7th November 2022.
The committee has decided to invoke clause 10.2 of the constitution - to hold a meeting of the committee to pass the resolutions for consideration at the AGM. This meeting will take place on Wednesday 4th January 2023. The minutes of the meeting will be made available on this website as soon as possible.
A communication will be sent next week to all ITSO members entitled to attend the 2022 AGM. This will contain additional details, such as the resolutions.
The committee will also review in its Ordinary Meetings how and where the AGM 2023 is held. We must hold a full AGM next year as our constitution only allows the committee to act under clause 10.2 in alternate years. We encourage your feedback in this matter.
We hope the lack of attendance is because you are happy with the way the association is managed rather than a general lack of interest.
Please remember your committee are all volunteers and we value your feedback and support.
8th November: Withdrawal of Pool Bar Discount
We are disappointed to have to inform ITSO members that from Friday 11th November the Pool Bar and Green Bar is withdrawing the 10% discount to ITSO members. At this stage we do not know the reason for this, and we apologise for the short notice. We have only just been informed.
24th September: ITSO Service Office
The International Board of ITSO will be holding its meetings next week. Therefore, the ITSO Service Office will be open for appointments only. If you would like to meet with Kaylee then please e-mail to make an appointment. The TSO meeting will take place on Tuesday at 6pm at the Beach Club. Representatives of the International Board will be in attendance and happy to meet as many of you as possible. Please book via the App and come down if you are on the waiting list.
16th September: TV in Members' Lounge
Many of you will be aware of an ongoing problem with the tv in the Members' Lounge. The problem was a power issue causing it to re-boot after only a few minutes. A replacement tv was requested a few weeks ago and this has taken longer than anticipated because we have a larger screen than the tvs installed in the suites. We realise that some of you may prefer to watch the Queen's funeral service in a more private space (CLS has advised us that it will be screened live in the Square and the Pool Bar) so we requested a temporary installation of a smaller screen. This has been installed and tested, and appears to be working well. Please follow the tv guide in the Lounge and be patient whilst screens are loading. Please do not make any adjustment to the cables connected. If you encounter a problem then please inform reception and the ITSO Service Office Thank you
1st September: ITSO Service Office -A message from Kaylee
Thank you to everyone for your support over the current situation. I am running the resales business on Kim's behalf, so that he and Karen can focus on their treatment and getting well. They are having to travel between Gran Canaria and Lanzarote for their treatments so it is very tiring. I am also travelling between the UK and Lanzarote to staff the office and host TSO meetings. I am approx 2 weeks in the UK and 2 weeks at CLS. This enables me to have a life at home with my husband and family as well as stay within the EU travel rules!
Club La Santa management and TSOs have been so supportive that I, and Kim and Karen, are overwhelmed by everybody's kindness and support.
I return to the UK on Wednesday 7th September - after a final TSO meeting Tuesday evening- and come back to Club La Santa on Friday 23rd September. In good time for our International Board meeting held on Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th September. I will host a TSO meeting on Tuesday 27th September and Tuesday 4th October. The office will be open by appointment only for the Wednesday, Thursday, Friday of that week, as I am sure you will understand I would like a few days relaxation before I open the office the following week.
As you may have noticed there are very few weeks for sale. An indication of how successful Club La Santa has become. Reservations are made on a first come first served basis. ITSO members have priority over non-ITSO members up until 8pm on a Monday evening for newly listed apartments. There are no waiting lists, no favours; it is strictly first come first served. Remember too that there is a mandatory 14 day cooling off period, so if you get a little carried away you can change your mind. Prices have risen as you would expect with so much demand and so little supply. Please bear in mind the difference between the tourist price for the week and the service fee, and how many times you would need to make use of the week before you re-coup the purchase price. Ask yourself is it worth it to you? This is a personal and subjective decision, and will not be the same for everyone.
No hard sell from this Timeshare Office - EVER!
Thanks again to all you wonderful timeshare owners who have attended the meetings or been to the office. It has been lovely to meet so many of you; you have shown so much support, all nationalities, not only Brits.
The 'Spirit of Club La Santa' is alive and well!
Kaylee Bonja
ITSO Chairman
4th August: Service Fees for 2023
The Service Fees for 2023 have been calculated and ITSO has checked that the agreed basis of calculation has been followed. The Spanish rate of inflation in the last 12 months to June stood at just over 10%. Therefore, the Service Fees have been adjusted accordingly. The new fees can be found on the Downloads (Public) page. Click here
A copy is displayed in the Members' Lounge at Club La Santa.
22nd July: ITSO Service Office & Weekly TSO Meetings
The TSO meeting next week will be held on WEDNESDAY 27th July at 6pm at the Beach Club. Full details will be uploaded to the App, which now recognises the Beach Club as a location. Please book through the App as their is a limit to the number of attendees.
There will be ameeting on Tuesday 2nd August at 6pm at the Beach Club.
Kaylee Bonja, Chair of ITSO (UK) will host both meetings.
ITSO would like to thank Solveig Olsen, Hotel Manager, for stepping in to host the meetings held on 12th and 19th July.
Kim and Karen would like to thank everyone for their overwhelming support through this difficult time.
27th June: ITSO Service Office & Weekly TSO Meetings
Kim was unable to open the ITSO Service Office this weekend as planned because of the need to self isolate. We apologise for any inconvenience. The weekly TSO meetings have taken place since Tuesday 24th May and will continue up to and including Tuesday 5th July. The ITSO International Board would like to thank UK ITSO member Sue Volans for hosting the TSO weekly meeting on our behalf on 14th and 21st June. Some of you may remember Sue from her days as a Green Team Member back in the 1990s. The ITSO International Board is very grateful to Sue for stepping in to bridge the gap between the meetings that Kaylee Bonja, Chair of ITSO International Board, is able to host. The meetings scheduled for Tuesday 28th June and Tuesday 5th July will be held at the Beach Club. Please continue to book your attendance via the Sports Booking App. The App does not recognise the Beach Club as a venue so it will show the Members' Lounge, but please make your way down to the Beach Club to join us.
We are working on a schedule for the ITSO Service Opening Hours and Weekly Meetings. This will be published as soon as it is available.
30th May: More about Airport Transfers
The default setting for TSOs booked into Club La Santa is NO TRANSFERS REQUIRED. Therefore, to obtain a free airport transfer you must let Club La Santa know of your request for transfers, plus flight and guest details, at least three weeks before you travel. Failure to do so will result in loss of the right to a transfer. When booking via an agency such as Sports Tours please allow a little more time. These rules were agreed with Club La Santa to allow them to plan arrivals and the best mode of transport in good time. Reception is now handling all this information and will check the system before making any refund of taxi fares. The Guide Department is no longer making the refunds.
26th May: Members' Lounge
Thanks to all who attended the weekly TSO meeting on Tuesday. We can update you with news on the TV - it is now working again so you will be able to watch the French Open!
The SOURCE had been changed to HDMI. It should be set to 'Club La Santa App' - an easy resolution for future reference. Channel listings can be found on the reverse of the TV instruction sheets. There are 2 in the Members' Lounge.
We look forward to seeing more TSOs next week - Tuesday at 6pm
17th May: ITSO Service Office and TSO Weekly Meetings
The ITSO Service Office will be staffed by Kaylee Bonja (ITSO Chair) between Wednesday 25th May and Tuesday 7th June. The office will be open between 13:00 and 17:00 Monday to Friday.
The weekly TSO meetings will resume for a period of three weeks - Tuesday 24th May; Tuesday 31st May; and Tuesday 7th June from 6pm to 7pm. The location to be announced.
Kaylee will also manage the resales during this period to allow Kim and Karen to have a complete break. (Please be patient as she may not be as efficient as Kim and Karen!)
We look forward to welcoming you back and to having a presence back in the resort.
16th May: New ITSO Member Benefit
Today we have introduced a new benefit for ITSO members. Members wishing to reserve a newly listed apartment week will be given priority over non-members and non-TSOs up to 8pm (UK time), 9pm (CET). The first come, first served system will apply to ITSO members during this advantage period but we hope it will help members who wish to purchase a specific week or apartment.
9th May: New ITSO Member Benefit
We are pleased to announce that from next week a new benefit for ITSO members will be introduced. Members wishing to reserve a newly listed apartment week will be given priority over non-members and non-TSOs up to 8pm (UK time), 9pm (CET). The first come, first served system will apply to ITSO members during this advantage period but we hope it will help members who wish to purchase a specific week or apartment.
26th April: Re-opening of the Members' Lounge
We are pleased to announce that the Members' Lounge will re-open on Monday 2nd May. We have been asked to remind you that the lounge is for ITSO Members' only and accessible via your ITSO Member keycard. Don't forget to ask reception staff to activate this function on your card when you check-in. Please remember to keep the door closed and a window open. Kim is setting up a new contract for the TV services. We hope this will be working in time for the re-opening but we may need to ask for your patience if this takes a few days more.
ITSO at Club La Santa Facebook Page
You may have seen from our Facebook Page, and other sources that facemasks are no longer required in Spain, (including the Canary Islands). However, there are circumstances where a business owner or facility may insist that a mask is worn. Usually, medical facilities and circumstances where contact of under 1 metre is required. Please be aware of this, and be respectful of any such requests. We would advise that you continue to travel with sufficient masks for your family group.
6th April: Airport Transfers IMPORTANT PLEASE READ
Airport transfers from Arrecife airport to Club La Santa are a right for timeshare owners. However, there are conditions to this right that must be followed. We have been asked to remind you that there is not an automatic right to a taxi. The cost of a return taxi fare is in excess of 12% of the service fee for a one bedroom apartment. Club La Santa plans for arrivals at the airport and makes a decision on the most efficient form of transport. There is no issue with arrivals from Denmark because there are only 2 direct flights from Denmark on a Friday. However, this is not the case from other countries - The UK especially has multiple flights into Arrecife airport from many UK airports. Club La Santa management has requested that we remind timeshare owners to give at least THREE weeks notice of arrival details - to include flight number, arrival time, and number of people. This allows them to plan your arrival more effectively. If the required notice is not given this will result in your LOSS of a free airport transfer. The conditions for airport transfers can be found HERE Please familiarise yourself with the conditions and, UK TSOs, provide Kathryn Tong at Sports Tours with your travel details in good time. Thank you.
4th April: ITSO at Club La Santa Facebook Page
We announced the new Facebook page here on 22nd January 2022. Thank you to everyone who has visited and liked the Page. We now have almost 100 likes and hope to grow further, so please help us to spread the word. We can give advice on ITSO related questions and, for any personal questions, there is a facility to ask us privately via the Messenger facility. We hope you like the international flavour of the Page. Posts are made by representatives from each of the four national ITSO associations in their own language - so please bear with any quirky automatic Google translations. The ITSO International Board feels that is important that posts are made in all five languages, not just English. [Danish, English, Belgian, German, Flemish]
4th April: Temporary Closure of ITSO Office
The ITSO Office will remain closed for another 2 weeks. Karen contracted covid during Kim's isolation. She is fine but it has delayed the re-opening of the office. Kim is available for ITSO queries and apartment resales. See the Timeshare Resales page for his contact details. Thank you.
14th March: Temporary Closure of ITSO Office
The ITSO Office is currently closed, and will remain closed for the next two weeks at least. Kim has contracted covid and is required to isolate for longer than normal because of his medical treatment. He is coping with the symptoms and is recuperating at home. Thank you for your understanding.
8th February: South Pools Re-opening
We are pleased to inform you that the South Pools will re-open on 15th February. Some small works will be carried out in the area but the pools will be open. Work will commence to construct two walls between the south sports hall and the golf area to act as a wind break and to help to slow down the wind acroos the pools. One wall will be behind the other and each wall will fill part of the gap and allow access to the pool. However, whilst the work is being carried out it will not be possible to gain access to the pool from this side. The temporary entrance to the south sports hall will continue to be used until the work on the wind break is complete.
30th January: A reminder re Face Masks
It has been reported to us that not all guests are respecting the Spanish rules regarding the wearing of face masks. Although rules have been relaxed in the UK we must remember that we are guests in another country and that we must obey the rules of that country. Lanzarote is currently at alert level 3 which mean that for those aged over 6 years face masks must be worn in public places. This includes outdoors, and at Club La Santa this means whilst walking anywhere around the resort. A mask is not required when taking part in outdoor sport, eating and drinking, or laying on a sun lounger.
24th January: ITSO Service Office to re-open. New Opening Hours
Although Kim is still undergoing hospital treatment, and often at short notice, we have agreed temporary office opening hours with him. As reported at the ITSO (UK) AGM in November the ITSO Service Office has been given a new location - next to the Resort entrance by the stadium. This location is better suited for the current Covid situation as there is plenty of fresh air in his new office and he can meet with people on the terrace outside the office.
From Saturday 29th January the opening hours will be:
Saturdays and Sundays 10am to 1pm
Mondays 5pm to 7pm
Kim looks forward to seeing you all again, but please be remember to keep numbers reasonable around the office area to maintain compliance with social distancing. Thank you
22nd January: NEW ITSO at CLub La Santa Facebook Page
Some of you may have noticed that we have created a Facebook Page for ITSO. This an International Page and posts will be made in the languages of all our member nations. ITSO at Club La Santa Facebook has a clever translation service that will translate posts to the language of the country you are connected from. This means that we do not have to post four or five times in different languages. We have an editor in each of the four nations who will all make posts. Our German editor made a very helpful post about the change in the Covid alert level from 2 to 3 in Lanzarote, and what impact this has on guests at the resort. The UK editor then added a helpful link for travellers from the UK. Please visit our page and 'like' 'follow' and 'share' posts. There is also a facility to message ITSO privately via the Facebook Messenger service. We hope you will enjoy the international feel of the page.
6th January: Payment of Service Fees
At our AGM held in November we were asked to put a suggestion by Club La Santa to our general membership for feedback.
This was done via the e-mail communication sent on 21st December 2021.
Unfortunately this has lead to some confusion and some members thought that the payment process had changed which has resulted in several queries made to Sports Tours.
This is to make it clear that NOTHING has changed. We asked for feedback from you which is important to us when we are in discussions with Club La Santa.
Please continue to make payments of Service Fees in the usual way. That is, in pounds sterling, and via Sports Tours.
Apologies for any confusion caused.
5th January: Happy New Year!
We would like to wish our members a very Happy New Year!
A reminder that the password to the Members' Area of this site has been updated and you will have been informed of the new password via an e-mail communication sent on 21st December 2021. If you did not receive the e-mail, (don't forget to check your junk mailbox), and you are a paid up member of ITSO(UK) then please check with our Membership Secretary that we have the correct contact details for you.
29th November: Sports Cafe
The refurbishment of the Sports Cafe is complete and it re-opened on Saturday at 5pm. You can see photos of the new look Sports Cafe here
22nd November: ITSO UK AGM
Thank you to everyone who attended yesterday, whether in person or via Zoom. We had a very good meeting and a fuller account will be added very soon.
12th November: Statement of Accounts for approval at AGM
Notice to Members: The Statment of Accounts for the year ended 31st August 2021 has been uploaded to the Members' Area of the website. It can be found on the Annual General Meetings page. Please address any queries in advance of the AGM to the Treasurer
Reminder: AGM to be held on 21st November 2021.
You will also receive a copy via MailChimp in the next week. If you do not receive a copy please check that we hold the correct contact details for you by contacting the Membership Secretary
9th November: Problems with Downloads
Some members have reported that they have experienced difficulty opening downloads from this site. The site is functioning properly. Therefore, please ensure that your browser settings are set to automatically open downloads; check your downloads folder as you may find that the file has been placed there by your system. If you are still unable to find the download then please try another browser/ update your browser / update the operating system of your device. Thank you
26th October: Silent FIT - a new way to exercise
Club La Santa has introduced several classes in the Silent FIT format. Headphones are used for the activity. The weekly programme has the following activities in Silent FIT format:- Dance, BODYJAM™, BODYATTACK™, BODYBALANCE™, BODYCOMBAT™, Pilates, Body Bike Basecamp, Body Bike Fit, Body Bike HIIT, Body Bike Power.
This can provide a quieter environment for activities such as Yoga and Mindfulness, and for other guests. It is hoped the silent format will grow in popularity and that more classes will take this format.
26th October: Faster check-in at CLS Reception
With effect from Friday 15th October hotels in the Canary Islands are no longer required to check proof of vaccination status of guests. The removal of this requirement makes check-in faster, and to speed your check-in further Club La Santa recommends that you register on the Club La Santa website and complete the pre-check in process Club La Santa Login / Register
9th October: Timeshare Owners Meeting
We are pleased to announce that a TSO meeting will be held on Monday 11th October. Kim will not attend but your International Board members are currently at the resort and have decided to host a meeting for TSOs. This is your opportunity to listen to what is happening at CLS, meet your Board members, and to ask them questions. We are unable to use the Member Lounge due to the current COVID restrictions, so the meeting will be held in the shaded area of the beach where there are concrete tables and benches, and we can easily maintain social distancing requirements. Although Kim is unable to attend in person he will be with us in spirit - he has kindly arranged for cava to be served to attendees! We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on Monday evening at 6pm
9th October: Re-opening of Playtime
Playtime will re-open on Monday 11th October and you will not recognise it! It has undergone a super transformation and we are confident that your little ones will love spending time there whilst you enjoy some sport or time alone. Photographs can be found in the Gallery Photo credits Club La Santa Lanzarote Facebook
5th October: Apartment Allocations
Please be aware that under the COVID constraints in place in the Canary Islands Club La Santa is finding it difficult to allocate like for like apartments to Timeshare Owners who are staying at the resort in weeks outside those that they own. They are unable to have full occupancy and therefore apartments have to be left empty. The cleaning regime is very strict so it is not possible for an occupant to move out on one day and for another to occupy the same aprtment on the same day. Ordinarily Club La Santa does its best to allocate a like for like apartment to timeshare owners where a swap has been agreed. However, because many timeshare owners decided to defer their weeks to other weeks rather than take a refund of service fee there is a much higher demand on apartments in the same weeks from timeshare owners. We ask for your understanding if you are allocated an apartment that is not what you would have normally expected. These are very unique and exceptional circumstance and Club La Santa is doing its best to ensure our safety and the safety of its staff. It has also made many improvements to the resort in our absence. So please let's all be grateful that we are able to return to this fabulous and unique resort.
4th October: AGM 2021
All members from September 2020 to August 2021 should have received an e-mail from us via Mail Chimp today. This includes your invitation to the ITSO(UK) AGM, and an update from Club La Santa. If you have not received the e-mail then please check your junk mail box. If there is nothing from us there then please get in touch with our Membership Secretary to confirm your contact details. The Notice of the AGM 2021 plus all supporting documents can be found in the Members' Area. They can be downloaded, the response forms are in Word format so that you can complete the forms online and return directly to the Chair
We look for ward to seeing as many of you as possible, either in person or via Zoom.
27th September: ITSO Member Cards
A reminder to please return your cards to reception on checkout. The cards are not personalised and expire at the end of your stay. We have switched to this system to save plastic waste so please do not take them home. They are designed to be re-used for other ITSO members and for CLS to carry a stock of a few hundred cards instead of producing between 3,000-4,000 ITSO cards annually. Thank you for your co-operation in helping us to reduce plastic waste.
9th September: Access to Members' Area
This issue has now been resolved. Should you continue to experience a problem accessing the Members' Area then please contact us at Chair or Membership Secretary
6th September: Access to Members' Area
It has been brought to our attention that some members are unable to access the Members' Area of the website with the correct password. This has been reported to IONOS. There is an issue with certain browsers (Chrome and Edge). This is being worked on and is likely to take around 48 hours. We will update you here as soon as the issue is resolved. In the meantime please use another browser, for example Firefox, Safari to access the Members' Area. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience.
9th August: Car Hire in Lanzarote - Please book early:
We have been advised that one of the effects of the pandemic on the economy in Lanzarote has been that in order to survive car hire companies have significantly reduced the size of their car fleets.
Now that tourists are returning to the island this is causing a shortage of cars available for hire, and an increase in cost. Please book well in advance of your stay on the island to ensure a car, or a specific group of car.
Here is a link to an article in a Lanzarote newspaper. It is written in Spanish, but your browser may give the option to translate the article. It is reported that some companies have sold almost 75% of their fleet.
9th August: Apologies for the late update to the Weeks for Sale:
My internet provider had technical issues this evening in my area so I apologise for the wait for the list. The list has successfully uploaded.
The number of weeks for sale is falling almost weekly. If you know anyone who is a timeshare owner that no longer travels to Club La Santa then please remind them that they are holding an asset that people would be interested to buy.
The value of all timeshare weeks at Club La Santa has increased over the years and the selling process is simple. Kim and Karen provide a great service to both buyers and sellers and will happily discuss any concerns there may be about buying or selling - please contact Kim
30th July: Henning Haugaard has sadly passed away
We are sad to inform you that Henning Haugaard passed away on 18th July. He celebrated his 74th birthday in April 2021. He will be well known to the longer standing members of ITSO as he was a Green Team member at the start of CLS. Henning's various roles included Sports and Activities Manager at the resort. He was the creator of the compilation of music and movements of the Morning Gymnastics at the Leisure Pool. Over the years Henning was involved in helping with many of the organised sporting events in Lanzarote. He was the guest personality in the ITSO (UK) Newsletter summer 2011 which can be found in the Members' Area of this website. He will be fondly remembered by many on the island and CLS timeshare owners. Our sincere condolences to his family and friends.
12th July 2021: Update from Club La Santa
The resort has now been open for 12 weeks and the number of guests is rising gradually. Kaylee, ITSO(UK) Chair, holidayed at the resort last week and has written about some of the changes that have taken place at the resort, and given an insight to the travel requirements in place at the time of her trip. This can be found Here
Kim and Karen have provided a revised list of restaurants where member discounts apply. This can be found in the Downloads Area of the Members's Area. Please note that this may change. It is still not clear which restaurants will re-open. La Santa village has seen the permanent closure of several restaurants:- Verde Mar, Mama Africa and Grillen. Rio Azul closed prior to the pandemic. It is not known whether the existing owners will re-open Rio Azul or if it will open under new management. Restaurants could open in the locations of Verde Mar and Mama Africa, but the latest news is that Grillen will be converted into a private residence.
20th May 2021: Travel Advice from the UK
Following the lifting of the travel ban on Monday 17th May there has been a lot of confusion. Please follow advice from an official source. The FCDO offers a subscription service so that you can receive updates as they happen. Click here for more information
26th April 2021: ITSO Service Office
The ITSO office will remain closed for the time being. Please see Timeshare Resales page for further details. Thank you for your understanding.
25th April 2021: Club La Santa Live Webcam
if you can't wait to visit Club La Santa then you can admire the view over the leisure pool by wathing the live webcam. The link can be found at the bottom of our HOME page.
21st April 2021: Club La Santa has re-opened!
We are very pleased that Club La Santa re-opened yesterday. Sadly, there are no visitors from here in the UK, but we hope that it will be possible to travel to Lanzarote from the UK from 17th May.
There are a few extra things to update you about.
Membership cards:- these are now microchipped to act as door cards. The new design can be seen in the right hand column of this web page. Cards are no longer personalised. Your membership card(s) will be issued on arrival and should you wish to use them as a charge card at the resort during your stay, then reception staff will ask for a credit card for pre-authorisation (standard hotel industry procedure). The card is to be returned on check-out from the resort. Data on the microchip will be cleared and the card re-used. This is a much 'greener' system as far fewer plastic ITSO cards will need to be produced. 100s instead of 1000s.
Club La Santa has announced a special offer for timeshare owners which is valid for stays up to and including 30th June. ITSO Members will receive a Newsletter from us in the next few days. This will give you further detail and other information.
If you are a member and do not receive a Newsletter then please check your junk mail. If you cannot find it in you junk mail then please update the contact details we hold for you by clicking on the 'UPDATE your contact details here' button found in the right hand column of this web page.
For further information about COVID safety at the resort see the Club La Santa Official website
Please note that the Members Lounge will not re-open under current COVID safety measures. The weekly TSO meetings will not resume either. Both will stay under constant review and any updates will be reported here.
24th February 2021: Postponement of CLS re-opening
Club La Santa has announced today that the re-opening has been put back to 20th April 2021. For further information see the Club La Santa Official website
3rd February 2021: Postponement of CLS re-opening
Club La Santa has announced today that the re-opening has been put back to 23rd March 2021. For further information see the Club La Santa Official website
7th January 2021: Postponement of CLS re-opening
Club La Santa has announced today that the re-opening has been put back to 3rd March 2021. For further information see the Club La Santa Official website
1st January 2021: Happy New Year
The ITSO(UK) committee would like to wish you all a Happy New Year. We hope that 2021 and the vaccination programme against COVID-19 will bring better days for us all, and that life will be able to begin its return to normal.
ITSO(UK) members please remember that the password to the Members' Area has changed with effect from today. You should have received the new password by e-mail on 04/12/2020. Please contact the Membership Secretary if you have paid the 2021 subscription and did not receive the e-mail to notify you of the password.
2nd December 2020: Deferred re-opening date
The re-opening date of the resort has been deferred again. The new expected opening date is Wednesday 20th January 2021. For further information see the Club La Santa Official website
30th November 2020: Unadopted minutes of the AGM 2020
The unadopted minutes of the AGM held 25th October 2020 can be found in the Members' Area - Annual General Meetings
25th November 2020: Completion of La Rambla
Club La Santa has released photgraphs of its new Rambla. They can be viewed here
9th November 2020: Re-opening date deferred to January 2021
Club La Santa has recently announced that it is deferring the re-opening of the resort to early January 2021. For timeshare owners with weeks that start on a Thursday this will be Thursday 4th January 2021. Sports Tours will contact you if you are affected by this.
4th November 2020: Response from Club La Santa to questions asked at the AGM
A question was asked about the exemption policy for wearing masks in Lanzarote. We have been directed to an article which gives this advice, and much more besides. The article is very informative and worth reading in full. Please click here for the detail.
In regard to the question about toilet facilities in the stadium area - the nearest toilets are those located next to the Pool Bar. There will also be toilet facilities in the new Reception building.
26th October 2020: AGM held Sunday 25th October
Thank you to everyone who attended our first virtual AGM. We had a good level of attendance and we hope that you found it both useful and informative. The report from the Secretary of the International Board can be found in the AGM Section of the Members' Area. Club La Santa kindly provided us with photos of some of the improvements completed so far this year. These can be found on the Gallery page. A link to the video of the running track was posted on this page on 16th September. Click here to view. The unadopted minutes will be uploaded to the Members' Area as soon as they are complete. Thanks again to everyone who joined us on Sunday. We hope to see as many members as possible at our 2021 AGM
21st October 2020: Deferred Re-Opening Date CLS
Club La Santa has announced that the re-opening date of the resort has been deferred to 1st December 2020. Sports Tours will contact you if you are affected by this.
12th October 2020: Reminder AGM 25th October 2020
A reminder that the ITSO (UK) AGM will take place in less than two weeks. The ITSO International Board had a good meeting with Club La Santa Management and we are looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible at our AGM via Zoom. It's not too late to join us! If you are unsure about how to use Zoom and would like some support, or to test out using it, then please contact us via email and quote your ITSO membership number.
2nd October 2020: Change to the re-opening date of CLS
So sorry to disappoint you, but the planned re-opening date has been deferred to 3rd November 2020. Those of you affected by this change will be contacted by Sports Tours in due course.
26th September 2020: Notice of the 2020 AGM
Notice of the AGM has been issued via e-mail (MailChimp). Details and the relevant documents can be found in the Members' Area. If you were a member of ITSO (UK) during the year 1st September 2019 to 31st August 2020 and have not received notice of the AGM then please, in the first instance, check your junk mail box. Then contact Courtney, our membership secretary, to check whether we hold correct contact details for you.
We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at our first virtual AGM.
Kaylee - Chair ITSO (UK)
22nd September 2020: Delay to the re-opening of Club La Santa
Club La Santa has delayed the re-opening of the resort to mid-October.
For more information see the Club La Santa website
16th September 2020: The New Running Track is Complete!
Club La Santa has been busy with renovations whilst it has been closed. The new running track is complete. Watch the video here If you look closely you will see that the Sports Booking building has been demolished and see the new number one court.
3rd September 2020: New Re-opening Date
Club La Santa has announced the expected re-opening date as 30th September 2020. See the Club La Santa website
26th August 2020: AGM Sunday 25th October 2020 - A Major Change
Please check the AGM section in the Members' Area to find out about the major change for this year. This includes a change to the date of the AGM.
26th August 2020: Service Fees 2021
The service fees for next year can be found on the Downloads (Public Page)
23rd August 2020: Information about improvements at the resort
For the latest news on renovations and improvements at Club La Santa please click here
21st August 2020: Change to re-opening date at Club La Santa
It was announced today on Instagram, Facebook, and the Club La Santa website that the re-opening of the resort has been postponed. Mid-September has been given as the anticipated new opening date. Please see the Club La Santa website for more detail. If you have a timeshare booking for late August/early September 2020 and you have not heard from Sports Tours then please contact Kathryn at Sports Tours
12th August 2020: Sports Booking returns to its original location!
As part of the improvements to the stadium the Sports Booking building has been demolished. Sports Booking has returned to its original location inside the complex. It has undergone a full renovation. Photos to follow.
12th August 2020: News for soon to arrive guests!
The regional government of the Canary Islands has taken out insurance for tourists. The insurance covers the return flight home, the quarantine accommodation, and the medical costs related to COVID-19.
Also, the Cabildo has launched a real time website on the status of COVID-19 and the cases on the island. Lanzarote has a particularly low infection rate, with only 11 infected people. Follow the official information about Coronavirus on Lanzarote here:
This information was taken from the Facebook page of Club La Santa Lanzarote
19th June 2020: Change to re-opening date of Club La Santa
Club La Santa has announced that it will bring forward the opening date by 1 day to Thursday 27th August. Please note that travel from Britain is subject to Foreign Office travel advice click here and flight operators opening routes from Britain to Lanzarote.
9th June 2020: Announcement by Club La Santa via Facebook
The Facebook page Club La Santa UK & Ireland has recently made this announcement regarding the earliest re-opening of Club La Santa:
8th June 2020: Lifting of the Estado de Alarma in Spain
You may have read that the Spanish Government is planning to lift the 'Estado de Alarma' (State of Emergency) on 21st June. Provided that their is no immediate resurgence in COVID-19 cases then this will go ahead on 21st June.
Where refunds have been requested by timeshare owners these will be processed within 60 days from 21st June. Please be patient. Although many restrictions have been lifted social distancing and other measures are still in place, so businesses here in the UK and in Spain are not working at full capacity.
As timeshare owners our contracts are with Club La Santa, a company registered in Spain, and not with Sports Tours, which is UK registered. Please be respectful to Kathryn at all times. Thank you
4th June 2020: News from Club La Santa via Facebook
This link gives information and some photographs of tennis court 10 from Facebook Club La Santa Lanzarote It looks good!
4th June 2020: Timeshare Calendar - Guide Only
We have received several requests for an extension to the current timeshare calendar which expires at the end of 2020. We have produced a calendar up to and including 2032 which can be used as a guide only. Club La Santa has not validated the calendar so there could be errors. Sports Tours issues a calendar only 1 year in advance. For planning a holiday more than one year in advance, or for purchasing an apartment week for a specific date please confirm the dates with Sports Tours or Club La Santa BEFORE making any payments/purchases as ITSO will not be held responsible for any losses incurred as a result of erroneous data in the calendar.
22nd May 2020: Newsletter Error
The date of the AGM given in the newsletter is incorrect. The AGM will take place the weekend of 17/18th October.
22nd May 2020:Update from Club La Santa & UK Newsletter
UK members will shortly receive a Newsletter from the UK committee. This will outline what is happening at Club La Santa, details around its re-opening, and an idea for the 2020 AGM. If you are a paid up member of ITSO (UK) and you have not received any communications from us via MailChimp then please contact the Membership Secretary, Courtney Gunn. You may need to update your details
19th May 2020: What's happening at Club La Santa
Work is being carried out at the resort whilst it is not open for business. The leisure pool is being repainted and the works scheduled for the stadium are underway. The track has been lifted, Sports Booking demolished, the steps/seating have been removed from tennis court 10, and an area has been created for the CrossFit training. Walls are being built between the pairs of tennis courts. Planning permission for the new Reception building has not been granted yet but Club La Santa has decided to start work on 'La Rambla' from the stadium to the mini-golf. there has also been some refurbishment of some apartments, and the small sports shop in the square has been gutted.
18th May 2020:Update from Club La Santa
There is no further news regarding the payment of Service Fees for future weeks. A refund will only be offered if Club La Santa is closed for business. Therefore, if timeshare owners make a payment and are unable to travel for any other reason than that the resort is closed then the normal cancellation policy will apply. This means that if you are unable to get a flight, or if travel from the UK is not permitted, but Club La Santa is open for business you will lose the service fee paid.
ITSO has tried to obtain an assurance from CLS that in such circumstances TSOs will be able to have the service fees paid reallocated to another week they own - either later in 2020, or the same weeks in 2021. However, this assurance has not been provided. We hope to be able to give you some positive news soon.
17th April 2020:Update from Club La Santa UK and Ireland Facebook
This is taken from a post made today on Facebook by Club La Santa UK and Ireland:
Dear guest,
As you may already be aware the UK Government has extended its national lockdown for a further three weeks due to COVID-19, this includes all non essential travel.
If you have a booking with us from now until the 7th May, this will mean unfortunately your upcoming booking with us and has been affected.
If you have a
booking with us from the 27th April – 7th May shortly you’ll receive an email update from the team with more details on how to amend or cancel
your booking.
Club La Santa UK and Ireland are focused purely on our customers needs at this time and we
are committed to ensuring you have all the correct information to enable you to make informed decisions regarding your trip to our resort.
We ask in the meantime if you wish to contact the team directly, to do so via email and we kindly ask you to give the team 48 hours to reply, due to the volume of enquiries we are
Thank you for your patience during this time.
Club La Santa UK & Ireland
14th April 2020:Payment of Service Fees
There is no change to the three month deadline for payment of Service Fees. Kathryn will not issue reminders for payment.
Until there is a statement from Club La Santa via Sports Tours that gives assurance about Service Fees paid during the lockdown period in the UK and/or in Spain you are advised to follow the advice issued by the UK government. This can be found here
If you do not follow the advice given then your travel insurance will not cover any losses incurred. In any event check your travel insurance to determine whether payments for timeshare are included in your policy.
6th April 2020:Update COVID-19: Letter to ITSO (UK) members
Tomorrow a letter will be circulated to all UK members via Mail Chimp. If you are a paid up member and you do not receive an e-mail from us then please check your spam and junk mailboxes. If you cannot find anything from us there then please contact our Membership Secretary, Courtney Gunn, so that he can check the contact details we hold for you. Alternatively you can update your contact details here by clicking on the box 'UPDATE Your Contact Details Here' which is found in the right hand column of this page. A copy of the letter has been uploaded to the Downloads section of the Members Area.
27th March 2020: Temporary Closure of Club La Santa: COVID-19
To comply with the directive issued by the Spanish Government the resort closed to guests at midnight last night. From 23rd March for a period of 30 days travel to Spain by non-residents of Spain is not permitted. This period may be extended.
20th March 2020: Information for displaced UK citizens
The UK citizens remaining at Club La Santa, or anywhere else outside the UK may find this link useful
19th March 2020: Request from Sports Tours
Kathryn from Sports Tours, Manchester, has been in touch to respectfully request that timeshare owners remain patient. She is doing her best to answer queries as quickly as possible. As soon as Sports Tours have an official statement from Club La Santa Kathryn will circulate it to you. Clearly the focus of attention must be on returning home the guests who are still at the resort. Kathryn will contact each of you in date order of your booking to answer your queries and to come to a resolution on individual bookings. At this time please do not contact Kathryn about exchanges for later in the year or for next year. The priority is for people who are affected by the lockdown on the island, and for holidays booked in the coming weeks. Please bear with us. We are sharing as much information as we have but things change at a rapid pace.
Thank you for your anticipated understanding and patience at this difficult time.
Kaylee, Chair ITSO (UK)
16th March 2020: Coronavirus COVID-19
A further update has been added to Facebook by Club La Santa UK and Ireland.
Log in to Facebook to keep up to date A screenshot is added below for those unable to follow the link
Please also check Club La Santa's Website
13th March 2020: Coronavirus COVID-19
Club La Santa UK and Ireland has just added this to this Facebook Page
13th March 2020: Coronavirus COVID-19
For up to date information about travelling from the UK to Club La Santa please click HERE and HERE
9th March 2020: New Restaurant
We are pleased to inform you the restaurant formerly known as Grillen has re-opened and is now called Mara. A 10% discount for ITSO members has been secured. Please remember the agreed protocol when claiming discounts at external restaurants: To show your valid ITSO card before asking for the bill; and to inform the restaurant in advance if your party is 8 people or more.
4th March 2020: AGM 2020
Details of the date and location of the ITSO(UK) AGM 2020 have been added to the Members' Area. Please add the date to your diary.
29th January 2020: Biosphere Smart Hotel
Yesterday Club La Santa proudly announced, via Facebook, that it has been certified as a Biosphere Smart Hotel by the Instituto Turismo Responsable. This certification recognises the resort's digital transformation, use of new technologies and sustainability.
20th January 2020: News from Club La Santa
To date there has been no progress with the planning permission required for the new Reception. Therefore Club La Santa has decided to bring forward the transformation of the area from tower 59 to the mini-golf. Final stages of the design by Henning Larsen are being agreed and we have been told that the roadway will blend into its surrounding, which will be planted as gardens over different levels, and contain benches, to create a 'rambla'. The work is planned to commence after Easter.
Club La Santa are still working on their website to create a booking and payment area. It is called My Club La Santa and timeshare owners are able to enter details about their reservation, flight details and guest details.
You may have noticed that the Rotunda at the Pool Bar has had a makeover. To mark the changes it has now been given a new name. It is now called El Mirador, and a sign has been placed next to the entrance. Photo to follow.
The stepped seating area at tennis court 10 is due to be removed shortly. A machine that is capable of removing the whole block has been identified, and Club La Santa will employ this method to minimise disruption caused by noise and dust. The part completed work you can see now was carried out by using pneumatic drills!
You may have also noticed that many of the street lights between Club La Santa and La Santa village are not working. Club La Santa has been pushing the local council for the repairs, and will continue to push the local mayor and council until the repairs are undertaken.
1st January 2020: Happy New Year!
Wishing all our members a very Happy New Year! We hope you had an enjoyable night and stayed safe. Here's to a healthy, happy and harmonious year ahead. Don't forget that the password to the Members' Area changed today. If you did not receive an e-mail to notify you of the new password then we do not hold up to date contact details for you. Please contact the Membership Secretary, Courtney Gunn. If you have forgotten to pay your membership fee there is still time to join. Please contact the Treasurer, Sue Garland, and she will assist you with setting up an annual payment by standing order. As usual ITSO membership cards will be available to collect at reception on check-in. 2019 cards will remain valid until the end of January, so please bring them with you if you have a January stay.
1st January 2020: A new NEWS page!
Our LATEST NEWS page is now full so, instead of deleting the old news we have created a new page. The LATEST NEWS page has become the News Archive page. A sub-page of this one.
IMPORTANT - Contact with members is now exclusively by email. Please be sure we have your correct details!
UPDATE Your Contact Details Here
To give feedback about the website please email However, please do not use this e-mail account for specific or urgent queries, (continue to contact the relevant committee officers), as we are unable to respond from this account. Thank you
Want to join us?
If you'd like to become an ITSO UK member, please download our application form