Photo and Video Gallery
Take a look at some photos and videos relating to Club La Santa. Click on photos for larger versions. Also some of ITSO Members!
ITSO Service Office at Club La Santa - located in The Square
Changes happening in 2024: New Padel Courts for 1v1; New Surfce for the CrossFit Area; New Trackman Golf House; New Location for Long Jump; New Basketball 3x3 court; New Surface for Body Bikes
Renovated Playtime ready for re-opening on 11th October 2021
Some of the changes to the resort in 2020
Changes to the Surf Station - Water Sports Centre
Plus new notices
Removal of Tennis Court 1 and changes to Tennis Courts 2 & 3
New LED Lanterns and work commences on the North Sports Hall
The New TRX bars installed in the stadium
Christmas 2017
Ironman 2017
New Members' Lounge taking shape
Some photos from the completed new Members' Lounge
Plus some photos from the old Members' Lounge
IMPORTANT - Contact with members is now exclusively by email. Please be sure we have your correct details!
UPDATE Your Contact Details Here
To give feedback about the website please email However, please do not use this e-mail account for specific or urgent queries, (continue to contact the relevant committee officers), as we are unable to respond from this account. Thank you
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If you'd like to become an ITSO UK member, please download our application form