Legal Notice
Name of association
The International Timeshare Owners Organisation at Club La Santa (UK)
Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information available on this website or otherwise supplied, the Committee and the ITSO Service Manager will not be liable for any errors or omissions.
ITSO La Santa (UK) is not responsible for the content of external links.
IMPORTANT - Contact with members is now exclusively by email. Please be sure we have your correct details!
UPDATE Your Contact Details Here
We can now accept your feedback about the website. The e-mail account will be checked on a regular basis and feedback reported to committee. However, please do not use this e-mail account for specific or urgent queries, (continue to contact the relevant committee officers), as we are unable to respond from this account. Thank you
Want to join us?
If you'd like to become an ITSO UK member, please download our application form